We are based in Lagos Nigeria. We have over a decade's experience in the sourcing, acclimatising, handling, packaging and exporting of live, tropical, ornamental, aquarium fishes for the best arrival conditions. We have established a track record of reliability with customers around the world. We are always looking for ways to expand our scope and extent of business with trustworthy companies, buyers and importers around the globe.
We are regularly Selling: gnathonemus petersi calamichtys calabaricus, gymnarcus niloticus clarias lazera clarias heterobrachus, polypterus endlicheri palmas senegalus, landcrabs cardisoma armatum, fiddler crabs, atya species hermit crabs, xenomystus nigri pantodon bucholzi hydrocynus species, archachatina merginata yohimbe cashew nuts, mudskipper periwinkle. We are regularly Buying: styrofoam boxes, wooden boxes, packaging polybags, fish medications, ovaprim, coppens fishfeed, yohimbe, cashew nuts, packaging gas oxygen packaging medications. |