The present dynamic business scenario has seen a growing recognition of advanced technology of 3D scanners and its multiple uses. There is a global movement or shift towards embracing the benefits that come with using 3D scanning applications, rolling out precision. Since its inception in 2014, Precise 3DM, a professionally-operated, Private Limited Company, develops software, offers Scanning services and markets high end brands of 3D reverse engineering and measurement technologies. We are excited about being part of this awe inspiring 3D scanning industry where the results can simply be termed as superiority in three dimensional of diverse range of products and objects, large and small. We are regularly Selling: einscan, handheld 3d scanner, freescan, reverse engineering services, cmm inspection services, 3d scanning services, 3d cad design services, geomagic design x, geomagic wrap. We are regularly Buying: einscan, handheld 3d scanners, freescan, reverse engineering services, cmm inspection services, 3d scanning services, 3d cad design services, geomagic design x, geomagic wrap. |