COAISA is a family owned company that produces and distribuits food aditives in the Central American Market. Our customers are large local companies like: cargill, Toledo, Frisa, santa Lucia, Bremel. We carry several brandnames on machinery and equipment for food proccessing, and handling. We are actually growing and expanding into other regional markets. COAISA has a Qulity Control Departmet to asure the quality of our products and assist our customers. The Central American market is growing in the food business, the industry is looking for value added formulas and is continuously searching for reducing prodcution costs. COAISA provides free consultation for our customers by advisng them on how to agregate valeu added to their products. We are regularly Selling: extruded soy, condiments, food addtives, machinery, spices, equipment, potatoe starch, food chemicals, meats. We are regularly Buying: dehydrated parsley, extruded soy, potatoe starch, condiments, additives, meats, food equipment, oleoresins, vacum packaging. |