The company proposes to manufacture reinforced concrete poles for the utility industry. This includes transmission poles, distribution, light, and telecommunication towers.
Our mission - is to be innovative, creative, conservative, aggressive makers, and provider of concrete poles that offers unparalleled quality, service, value.
It is estimated there are more than 280,000,000 utility poles throughout the US and 99% are wood poles that need replacing.
We will have an edge on our competitors with our technology and newly innovative pole designed by the company.
Our core management team will include several executives with successful backgrounds in the concrete pole industry and with experience with startup companies.
The major trend today in the utility market is toward the use of concrete poles. Because of the use of concrete the utility companies are more likely to expect a similar design and pricing that will compare to their present use. We have that design.
We are regularly Selling: concrete poles, parking bumpers, pavers, retention walls, k-rails, artificial reefs, poles for turbines, concrete bulkheads, fence post. We are regularly Buying: sand, cement, aggregate, flyash, rebar, steel beams, wire ties, demolding agent for the molds, raw materials. |