I am Ahmad Saroor of Jamshedpur, India, working in Tata Steel and a Business Partner of ProSpong Out sourcing Solution Group (China) Limited. We are running a company which is majoring in ITO (Information Technology Outsourcing), BPO (Business Processing Outsourcing) and KPO (Knowledge Process Outsourcing).We are dealing with Export & Import of various Products our major Products are Solar & Power System. We are an expert in Export and Import in many areas, including tech Import & Export. We are also a manufacturer of solar power devices and new materials for construction. We are now focusing the Solar Power System areas. In fact, we have a big branch company called "China-African Solar Energy Technology Co. Ltd which is mainly do solar power systems. We can supply other material also as per customers requirement such as Gold, Diamond, Trucks/ Heavy duty machines, Shaking Tables. Humphreys. Machines. Crushers We are regularly Selling: gold dust, diamond, solar products, machineries, industial equipment, solar energy products, shovel, iron ore, coal. We are regularly Buying: solar energy, steel tags, steel wires, solar power, belt conveyor, mineral, iorn ore, bitumis, galvanizes sheets. |