Our company has put together a unique program of services that will assist home owners, along with individuals who are un employed. Or seeking to owne their owne business, as a Construction Business Owner. In the areas of remodeling, renovating, or New construction with the use of alternative energy products as we focus on rebuilding America homes, which should reflect the 21st century. We believe this system will create million of new jobs across America, which will lower our un employment rate which stand at 10%, and which can be accomplish within the first 3 months of implemination, this will create new manufacturing company of alternative energy product, whoes product will be used on our home project. To achieve success we have put in place (five) main ingredients are as follows: 1. Project Funding,2. Re Traiing or Education Up grade, 3. Business Ownership, 4. Employment, 5. Manufactoring. Our program will offer afull 1 year contract for all individuals involve with our program. We are regularly Selling: home owners contract package, professional worker package, network partner package, business owner package, 555 15 75 consultant package, funding package, employee package, consultant package. We are regularly Buying: mtn, treasury strip, cmo. |