We are company from Morogoro-Tanzania dealing with different spicies of exports such as wild living organism like CHAMELLEONS, SNAKES, REPTILES, FROGS, MILLIPEDES, CENTIPEDES, BEETLES, SCORPIONS, BIRDS, SMALLS MAMMALS, PANCAKES TORTOISES, LEOPARDS TORTOISES AND Live/Dry insects, mantis Oothecas
We come to get your e-mail adress into the internet of course we atracted with your business, We are long long time business our company has big experience is shipping small shipments and Large shipments. We have many reference into bigest compnay. I am looking to hear from you then I shall come back with my price list. Thank you and you have a nice day. JOHN URASSA
We are regularly Selling: amphibians, beetles, chamelleons, honeyskills, millipedesmantiscentipedesrickets, skulls, small mammals, snakes, sorpions. We are regularly Buying: chamelleonssmalls mammals, dried insects, frogsbeetles, honey, live chamelleons, livedry insects, skullsskills, small mammals, snakestortoises. |