BOIC LTD is multy type of services, it deals with all type of construction and building consultancy, it deals with client who would like BOIC LTD to act as finding agent for investments, and it deals with clients who wants to buy prodcut also arrange supply and shipments any where required. BOIC LTD act as buying agents for all type of products and items in globle market required by the clients. BOIC LTD company is multy service for all type of consultancy, We have just statred to act as agent for our client in middle east to buy product on thier behalf, Please note we would like to deal with all manufacturers and supplier of all Eye drop bottles manufacturer, producted from Genarators, Electrical product, Electrical equipments, plasmas tv, any type of Machinery, Pharmacy Raw Material. Hospital producted ask from a-z itmes BOIC LTD will be able to assest you. Copper wires, Sheet Metal work, Etc
Do not hesitated to ask for any globle product BOIC will be able to help you. We are regularly Selling: no sell, buyers agents, consultancy service, pharmacy raw material agents for my clients, generators agents for my clients. We are regularly Buying: pharamcy raw materials, genratores, electrical and copper wires, hospital mterials all type, ampoll and eye drop bottles, ey drop bottles, no limite for buying any type of procuts. |