Dear Sir, My name is Jagat jit singh Passi. We Learnt you are a prestigious company in your country and may be interested in our products. JAGATSUKH GROUP is certified manufacturers of all types of Knapsack Sprayers, Power Sprayer, Tractor Mounted Sprayer and related products in INDIA. Our products are granted 100% against any manufacturing defect in INDIA and ABROAD. Products Advantages
Guarantee high quality than our competitors. Offer the competitive price. Excellent quality control, provide consumers the opportunity to choose a good product. Products Range: Knapsack Sprayer, Hi-tech Sprayer, Foot Operated Sprayer, Rocking Sprayer, Power Sprayer, Battery Sprayer, Stirrup Spray pump, Bucket Spray pump, Hand Compression Sprayer, Tractor mounted Boom Sprayers (200 ltr to 600 ltr.) Horticulture Sprayers with auto real winding system, Spot Sprayer and many more. We have been an Asia leader in the development and manufacture of agriculture horticulture spray equipment. We are regularly Selling: knapsack sprayer, plant protaction equiepments, spray pump, tractor mounted sprayer, orchard sprayer, horticulture spray pumps, stirrup spray pumps, bucket pump, hand oprated spray pump. |