We are in field of fiber glass pltrusion product manufacturing and having material handling solution for heavy load upto 200-300 ton on battery driven wheel based machine having specialsed on custmised solution having specific application of plastic industy fro heavy die handling die splitting mauld separator etc also for transformer industries for core handling coil handling transformer loading on vpd with pushpull solution good alternater agaist aircushion technology heavy engg. industries for load handling also we are manufacturer of fiberglass pultrusion product for m-8, m-10,m-12,m-16,m-18,m-20,m-22 up to 32 m dia frp plutured stud and nuts also frp angles and other pultrusion product we are electrical contractor for g.i.s erection up to 220 kv indoor outdoor also for ais up to 220 kv switch yard erection plant electrification and maint. work also we also provide menpower for engineering industries --we are suppliers of electrical product like cable, wires, lugs, motors panel. We are regularly Selling: heavy material handling solution, fiberglass product, elect material, electrical project, maint services, custmosied mat handling solution, transformer industry material handling solution, havy engg endusty mat handling solution, elect switchyard erection. We are regularly Buying: frp, mat handling equip, elect cable, motors, panels, wires, lugs, glands, elect service. |