A professional designer and manufacturer of phone cases, laptop bags, camera cases, backpacks, trolley bags, school bags, handbags, cosmetic bags, hard EVA cases and so on since year 2011.covering an area of 5000 square meters, There are more than 150 staff in the factory, among who over 130 are senior technical staff, The factory has a modern assembly line with an annual output of more than 1000000 bags, we have the professinal technical and can supply with high quality bags, our factory munufactures the bags for many years, our products which have a great popularity in the local market, now we have a close cooperation with the firms of more than 20countries in the world, because we believe that quality is first Both new and old customers at home and abroad are welcomed to visit our factory. We are regularly Selling: cosmetic bag, laptop bag, camera bag, golf bag, promotion bag, gift bag, tool case, portfolio, ipad case. We are regularly Buying: pu, pvc, fabric, metal, leather, cartons. |