We at Dr. Pheelgood are showing the world that there are many options to obtain the same goal. Lets consider Bamboo; Because Bamboo grows so quickly, it is a resource that is not only sustainable and renewable but it also gives back to the enviroment. You know the AIR we breath. A Bamboo grove releases 35% more oxygen than the same size stand of trees and thats more air to breath. We all know about Bamboo floors, and how durable they are, just check out your local Zoomba Dance Studio. As a fibre, there are many benifits to wearing Bamboo apparel. First you are going to feel good knowing you're not hurting the enviroment. Bamboo is fed by the rain! (those little tiny drops from the sky) Bamboo doesnt need to be drowned in water resources we cant afford to waste. It isn't saturated with pesticdes or fertilizers. In China Bamboo is known as " a friend of the people ". Bamboo is our friend, too. It grows everywere. Well with all the benifits of Bamboo why even consider another fibre?
We are regularly Selling: t-shirts, bamboo products, hemp products, fedora, hats, beanies, hemp clothing, custom printing, hoodies. We are regularly Buying: hemp, t-shirts, bamboo, hoodies, wristbands, hats, custom printing, hemp clothing, bamboo clothing. |