CoolBest vacuum refrigeration equipment Co.,Limited combines research and development, design manufacturing, installation and high-tech Innovation Vacuum Equipment Company. We have many own proprietary products, We devote ourselves to the vacuum pre-cooling machines, vacuum pre-cooling fresh fruits and vegetables, cooked food rapid cooling preservation machine, mobile rapid cooling machine, vacuum machine, vacuum dryer, vacuum deodorization machine, vacuum (temperature and humidity) refrigeration storage, vacuum insecticidal machine, vacuum thawing machine, medicinal vacuum freeze drying equipment, fruit and vegetable vacuum freeze dryer, large vacuum freeze drying equipment, various types of non-standard vacuum pre-cooling fresh and vacuum freeze drying system, cold storage, refrigeration storage, quick-freezing storage, spiral quick-freezing tunnel, aluminum row evaporator etc. We are regularly Selling: vacuum cooler, vacuum cooling equipment, vacuum cooling machine, vacuum sterilizer, vegetable process, vacuum thawing machine, vacuum drying machine, ice machine, cold room. We are regularly Buying: vacuum pump. |